Wyoming Medical License

Med Cred - Wyoming Medical Licensing services
The process of obtaining a Wyoming Medical license either initial licensure or a second subsequent State Medical license in another State can be somewhat a challenging, stressful, & more so time consuming process to say the least for practicing physicians & residents alike in the busy time schedules you all have been accustomed to over the years. Whether you are a resident, Medical Doctor or a Doctor Osteopathic in seeking a new challenge or just simply looking for a change in another State/s in your professional career. Med cred – Medical Licensing services will advise, expedite your complete Wyoming Medical license process for you from start to finish in a fast timely fashion in gathering all your career history data safely to then put forward to the Wyoming Medical Board.

Wyoming Medical License requirements / Wyoming Board of Medicine

State - Wyoming State Board Minimum Postgraduate
Training required
Number of attempts at Medical Licensing Examinations Time Limit for Completing Medical Licensing Examinations Sequence
Wyoming Medical License - Licensure Fee $400 /Temporary license $200
Requires FCVS
1 year 2 year for PGT/DMG/FMG 3 Seven total attempts on USMLE or COMLEX Seven years (eight years if in combined DO or MD/PhD program)

Med Cred - Medical Licensing services Fees to process your Wyoming Medical License
Residents & Fellows $350.00
M.Ds & D.Os $400.00
D.E.A License... (For us to process your D.E.A application only) $50.00

Once a Wyoming Medical License/Number have been granted by Wyoming Medical Board, Med Cred - Medical Licensing services can then help you process your D.E.A License for only $50 (admin only) D.E.A License itself cost $551(3yrs) For More information please Contact US>
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